Orthopaedic Post Op

Orthopaedic Pre & Post Op, East Bentleigh, Melbourne

Preparing for Surgery and Post-Op Care

Learn about the importance of pre-operative education and exercise, ensuring your body is ready for surgery and orthopaedic pre & post-operative recovery support.

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Open 7:30 am to 8 pm weekdays and 8 am to 1 pm Saturdays

We’ll get you moving again •

Pre-operative education and exercise

For some, surgery is a necessary intervention to get you back on track.

At SSPC, we put enormous emphasis on pre operative education and exercise – get your body into gear and prepare for the surgery to ensure you get great outcomes.

And post operation, we’re here to guide and assist you through every phase of your recovery.

Physiotherapy practitioner in a clinic in Bentleigh East performing adjustments to a young woman athlete to remedy her back and shoulder pain.

Tailored Rehabilitation Programs

SSPC Rehabilitation programs are tailored to the specific surgical procedure, individual patient needs, and recovery goals. All SSPC Physiotherapists work closely with your surgeon to optimize your post-operative outcomes and facilitate a safe return to daily activities, sports and work requirements.

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Common orthopaedic conditions we treat

Some of the more common Orthopaedic conditions we treat include:

Total Joint Replacement

(e.g., Hip, Knee, Shoulder): Physiotherapy is essential in helping patients regain mobility, strength, and function after joint replacement surgery. Our physiotherapists focus on joint mobilization, strengthening exercises, gait training, and pain management.

Spinal Surgery

(e.g., Discectomy, Fusion): Patients who undergo spinal surgery require rehabilitation to improve spine stability, reduce pain, and regain range of motion. This often involves exercises, posture correction, and core strengthening.

Rotator Cuff Repair

After surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff in the shoulder, physiotherapy helps patients regain shoulder mobility, strength, and function through targeted exercises and manual therapy. The shoulder can be a difficult joint to rehabilitate so we guide you through every phase.

ACL Reconstruction

Following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction in the knee, physiotherapy focuses on strengthening the knee, improving stability, and gradually returning to sports or normal activities. We use evidence-based programs to ensure you are getting the same opportunity as elite athletes do to get you back to your required sport or life function.

Fracture Fixation

Patients with fractures that require surgical intervention may need rehabilitation to restore mobility and strength in the affected limb. This may involve exercises, weight-bearing activities, and splint or cast management.

Arthroscopic Procedures

(e.g., Meniscus Repair): Arthroscopic surgeries often require post-operative physiotherapy to improve joint function, reduce swelling, and prevent complications. Recovery from meniscal surgery follows a very specific program to make sure your knee recovers well.

Tendon Repair

(e.g., Achilles Tendon Repair): Following tendon repair surgeries, physiotherapy helps patients regain strength and mobility while minimizing the risk of re-injury. The phases of post op tendon rehabilitation must be strictly followed so our physio’s will be your guide!

Carpal Tunnel Release

Patients may benefit from hand and wrist rehabilitation after carpal tunnel release surgery to improve strength and reduce pain or numbness. Our hand therapist regularly treats post operative hand and wrist conditions.

We pride ourselves on providing strategies for neck pain management

At Southern Suburbs Physiotherapy Centre (SSPC), we pride ourselves on the quality and range of services we provide. With over 150 years of combined musculoskeletal physiotherapy experience, our therapists work in partnership with you to ensure a tailored and comprehensive program for you.

Reclaim Your Movement, Rediscover Your Potential

Book an appointment with one of our trained physiotherapists today.

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Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, East Bentleigh, Melbourne

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Relieve neck pain and discomfort with our specialized Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist in East Bentleigh, Melbourne

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Open 7:30 am to 8 pm weekdays and 8 am to 1 pm Saturdays

We’ll get you moving again •

Expert Care for Musculoskeletal Issues

With over 650 muscles and more than 200 bones in our body, it’s no wonder we all suffer from musculo-skeletal pain and injuries at some time – and that numbers doesn’t include the thousands of other tissues: ligaments, tendons, cartilages etc.

Whilst many of our aches and pains will settle naturally, some are either very acute and painful, and others don’t heal in the optimal time frame, leaving lingering pains and dysfunctions.

SSPC's Musculoskeletal Expertise

SSPC Physiotherapists are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat all musculo-skeletal conditions, using a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and other modalities to help patients regain function and reduce pain.

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Common causes for musculoskeletal issues

Some of the more common Musculo-skeletal complaints we treat include:

Muscle Strains and Sprains

Overuse, sudden movements, or sports-related injuries can lead to muscle strains (damage to the muscles or tendons) or sprains (ligament injuries), resulting in pain and reduced function.


Overloading of tendons due to overuse, repetitive motion, or sudden changes to exercise patterns can result in tendon pain. Tendons can also be damaged with sudden high loads (like an achilles rupture).


The degeneration of joint cartilage and underlying bone, often causing joint pain, swelling and stiffness, commonly affecting the knees, hips, and spine. Many of our patients have avoided joint replacements by joining our classes!

Frozen Shoulder

A condition characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, often restricting range of motion. Of unknown cause and origin, a frozen shoulder can sneak up on you and cause severe stiffness and pain, especially at night.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Compression of a nerve in the wrist, leading to hand pain, numbness, and tingling. At SSPC our hand physiotherapist regularly treats carpal tunnel syndrome and all other hand and wrist problems.

Plantar Fasciitis

The dread for all runners (and everyone who doesn’t run that has it). Plantar fasciitis causes acute heel pain, especially during the first steps in the morning. For those who have experienced this condition, you know how acutely painful it is, and that it often takes many months to get right.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Tears or strains in the muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint, leading to pain and reduced shoulder mobility. Often diagnosed by scans, rotator cuff pathology may not actually be the problem (despite your scan saying so). The shoulder is a wonderful joint, but is also complex!

Knee Injuries

Conditions like anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, meniscus injuries, and patellofemoral pain syndrome can cause knee pain and instability. Tendon and growth conditions like “jumpers knee” and “Osgood Schlatters” are common in the young.

We pride ourselves on providing strategies for neck pain management

At Southern Suburbs Physiotherapy Centre (SSPC), we pride ourselves on the quality and range of services we provide. With over 150 years of combined musculoskeletal physiotherapy experience, our therapists work in partnership with you to ensure a tailored and comprehensive program for you.

Reclaim Your Movement, Rediscover Your Potential

Book an appointment with one of our trained physiotherapists today.

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Back Physiotherapy

Back Physiotherapist, East Bentleigh, Melbourne

Back Physiotherapist, East Bentleigh, Melbourne

Free yourself from the burden of back pain by seeing a specialised back physiotherapist.

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Open 7:30 am to 8 pm weekdays and 8 am to 1 pm Saturdays

We’ll get you moving again •

Receive expert physio guidance for lower back pain and discomfort

Spinal pain, in particular low back pain, is the most common condition we see and treat. 80% of the population gets back pain at some stage of their life.

There are so many factors that can contribute to the development of lower back pain – congenital, hereditary, sedentary postures, weakness and lack of conditioning, sporting injuries, and life accidents. It is not only getting over your current back injury but preventing it from happening again that is the key. Back pain comes in many forms, but when it does come, it can be debilitating and impact your ability to do your normal daily activities.

Lower back physio treatment

Getting an accurate diagnosis and an effective management plan that involves both treatment and prevention strategies is essential.

It’s important to note that the underlying cause of low back pain can vary from person to person, and a thorough assessment by a physiotherapist is crucial to determine the most appropriate treatment plan and rehabilitation exercises tailored to the specific condition and individual needs.

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Common causes for lower back pain

Some of the more common lower back complaints we treat include:

Muscle Strain

Overuse, lifting heavy objects, or sudden movements can lead to muscle strains in the lower back, resulting in pain and discomfort.

Disc Conditions

So many terms can be used to describe this – slipped, bulging, protruding, prolapsed, herniated, sequestrated. Many of this terms are inaccurate and just create fear and protection, but often with a lumbar spine condition movement is necessary, you just need to know the right movements to do!

Degenerative Disc Disease

Another frequently used term to describe “wear and tear” seen on scans. This description often leads patients to avoid activity and exercise, leading to more pain and stiffness. As with disc conditions, movement is key. Let us show you how to move right!

Spinal Stenosis

This condition involves the narrowing of the spinal canal, which can compress the spinal cord or nerves, causing pain and sometimes numbness or weakness in the legs. Pain can be quite severe depending on the level of irritation of the nerve.


Sciatica is characterised by pain that radiates down the leg, often caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve due to various factors, including disc or facet joint problems, or spinal stenosis. The term sciatica is just a general one, and does not explain why you have the pain.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

The sacroiliac joint connects the sacrum to the pelvis, and can result in lower back pain that may radiate to the buttocks and back of the thigh. More common in women, especially during and after pregnancy.

Facet Joint Arthritis

The facet joints of the spine allow us to move. Like any joint, the facet joints can show some signs of ageing which leads to stiffness, pain and inflammation. But like any joint, it is movement and strength that is required, not lack of movement and protection.


This condition occurs when one vertebra slips forward over another, potentially causing lower back pain and nerve compression. But 1 in 20 people are born with a spondylolisthesis and most of these people do not have back pain. A diagnosis of spondylolisthesis is not a guarantee for pain, the vast majority of people lead pain free lives.

We pride ourselves on providing strategies for lower back pain management

At Southern Suburbs Physiotherapy Centre (SSPC), we pride ourselves on the quality and range of services we provide. With over 150 years of combined back physiotherapy experience, our therapists work in partnership with you to ensure a tailored and comprehensive program for lower back pain management.

Reclaim Your Movement

Book an appointment with one of our trained physiotherapists today.

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Neck Physiotherapy

Neck Physiotherapist, East Bentleigh, Melbourne

Relieve Neck Pain and Discomfort

Free yourself from the burden of neck pain by seeing a specialised neck physiotherapist.

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Open 7:30 am to 8 pm weekdays and 8 am to 1 pm Saturdays

We’ll get you moving again •

Receive expert physio guidance for neck pain and discomfort

Neck pain and discomfort can be debilitating and significantly disrupt your daily life.  Free yourself from the burden of neck pain by seeing an SSPC physio. Our personalised treatment plans incorporate cutting-edge techniques and exercises to alleviate neck pain, improve mobility and enhance your overall neck health.

Targeted Neck Physio Treatment

Don’t let neck discomfort limit your activities and spoil your day. Take control of your well-being and experience the joy of a pain-free neck.

Your neck deserves the best care, let us restore you to comfort.

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Common causes for neck pain

Some of the more common complaints we treat include:

Cervical Spondylosis

This often-age-related condition involves wear and tear of the cervical spine's discs and joints, often causing neck pain and stiffness. The wear and tear are not the problem though, it’s the lack of movement and activity that results.

Cervical Radiculopathy

Compression or irritation of nerve roots in the neck can lead to symptoms such as neck pain, with radiating pain down the arm, and sometimes weakness and paraesthesia. This pain is often severe, but physio techniques can really assist.


Typically caused by car accidents or sports injuries, whiplash results from sudden head movement and can lead to neck pain, stiffness, and headaches.

Cervicogenic Headaches

These headaches originate from issues in the neck and can cause persistent, often one-sided and localised head pain. Whilst the pain appears in your head, the neck is commonly the culprit. The new work from home culture and associated long sedentary postures can be to blame.

"Text Neck”

With increased use of smartphones and devices, "text neck" has become more common. It refers to neck pain and strain due to prolonged forward head posture while using these devices.

Disc Conditions

The term “slipped disc” is a very poor term but still commonly used. An irritated or herniated cervical disc can put pressure on nerves, causing neck pain and sometimes symptoms in the arms and hands. Like cervical spondylosis, because nerve is often involved, the pain can be severe.


Degeneration of the neck's facet joints can result in osteoarthritis, leading to neck pain, reduced mobility, and nerve irritation

Stiff Neck

Sometimes, a stiff neck can occur due to muscle tightness or minor injuries, causing discomfort and restricted movement. In severe cases this is termed a “wry neck” and often seen in young children.

We pride ourselves on providing strategies for neck pain management

At Southern Suburbs Physiotherapy Centre (SSPC), we pride ourselves on the quality and range of services we provide. With over 150 years of combined neck physiotherapy experience, our therapists work in partnership with you to ensure a tailored and comprehensive program for neck pain management.

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Reclaim Your Movement

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Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapist East Bentleigh, Melbourne

Enhancing Athletic Performance

Your trusted sports physiotherapist in East Bentleigh, Melbourne.

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Open 7:30 am to 8 pm weekdays and 8 am to 1 pm Saturdays

We’ll get you moving again •

Tailored sports physio for athletes, weekend warriors and everything in between.

Whether you are an elite athlete, weekend warrior, or somewhere in between, we understand the demands of sport and the toll it can take on your body. Athletes have unique needs and challenges when it comes to injury prevention, performance enhancement, and recovery. Our team of physiotherapists have personally participated and worked across a wide variety of sports, meaning we have the practitioner for you.

Targeted Physio for All Sports

No matter your sport, SSPC’s sports-specific expertise ensures that you receive targeted care to help you perform at your best, stay injury-free, and get back in the game as quickly as possible.

Re-discover your athletic potential at SSPC.

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Providing the right physio treatment for your sport

Here’s a breakdown of our sports-specific expertise:


As football enthusiasts ourselves, we have a deep understanding of the physical demands and common injuries associated with the sport. Whether you play Aussie Rules, soccer, or rugby, our football-focused physiotherapy services can help you stay in peak condition and recover from injuries faster.


Runners face a multitude of acute and chronic injuries like shin splints, IT band syndrome, plantar fasciitis, and tendinopathies. Our sports physiotherapists are well-versed in addressing these running-specific concerns, helping you achieve your personal best while minimising the risk of injury.


Swimming places unique demands on the shoulders and spine. Our physio’s provide targeted care to swimmers, addressing shoulder impingements, rotator cuff injuries, and lower back strains to keep you gliding through the water with ease.


Whether you're a road cyclist, mountain biker, or triathlete, we understand the toll cycling can take on your body. Our expertise in cycling-related injuries and biomechanics ensures you can ride comfortably and efficiently.

Tennis and Racquet Sports

Serving, volleying, and backhand swings can put strain on various joints. Our sports physiotherapists work closely with tennis and racquet sports enthusiasts to prevent injuries and optimise performance.


From jump shots to fast breaks, basketball demands agility and power. We provide specialized care to basketball players, addressing issues such as knee injuries and ankle sprains.


Track and field athletes rely on precise movements and explosive power. Our physiotherapists offer expertise in managing injuries and enhancing performance for athletes in various track and field events.


Golfers often face challenges related to posture and flexibility. Our tailored treatments can help golfers maintain a consistent swing while minimizing the risk of strain and injury.

We pride ourselves on providing leading sports physiotherapy

At Southern Suburbs Physiotherapy Centre (SSPC), we pride ourselves on the quality and range of services we provide. With over 150 years of combined sports physiotherapy experience, our therapists work in partnership with you to ensure a tailored and comprehensive program to achieve the outcome for your desired sport

Reclaim Your Movement, Rediscover Your Potential

Book an appointment with one of our trained physiotherapists today.

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