Senior Physiotherapist

Michelle O’Donnell

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act; the rest is merely tenacity.”

- Amelia Earhart

Recovery can be challenging but we can work together to achieve the outcome you seek.

Key Focus

  • Upper Limb injuries
  • Wrist and Hand splinting
  • Hydrotherapy

Personal Background

Michelle has worked in private practice and sports medicine for 30 years since graduating from La Trobe University in 1994. She has been a member of SSPC since 2003.

Michelle's Passion

Michelle has a broad experience across all areas of physiotherapy, including spinal conditions. She enjoys working with adolescent athletes having been involved in elite Under 18’s football in the past.

Over the years, Michelle has developed a special interest in treating upper limb injuries and hand therapy including splinting, post-operative management and treatment of conditions including arthritis and tendon injuries.

Michelle has run SSPC’s hydrotherapy program for the past 20 years and enjoys helping people exercise in the pool whether it is for recovery after surgery or longer-term management of conditions such as arthritis and back pain.